
Red Bud Read-Aloud Award Nominee

Counting to Bananas was nominated for the 2023 Red Bud Read-Aloud Award! Many thanks to Kyle and Kenneth Brown for organizing this very fun award where school children get to vote bracket-style for their favorite read-alouds.

Book Signing Fun

I had so much fun celebrating the grand opening of Barnes and Noble’s new Hillsboro, Oregon store with a story time and book signing earlier this month. The store was big and beautiful, and the kids were a delight. One girl even stood at my table with me to help her complete her entire counting… Read more »

Storytime Fun

I had so much fun reading Counting to Bananas at my local Barnes and Noble store last Saturday. Plus, my parents surprise-showed up, and my Dad took my picture!

Counting to Bananas an Amazon Best Book of 2022 So Far

I’m so delighted that Counting to Bananas was chosen as one of Amazon’s Best Books of 2022 So Far, for children’s books ages 3-5. What a great list of books, authors, and illustrators to be included with!

Counting to Bananas Book Birthday!

It’s finally here! I’m so excited that Counting to Bananas is out in the world today! I think Banana here is pretty delighted, too. Since picture books don’t often have space for an acknowledgements section, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the MANY people who have helped usher this book into being. First… Read more »

Be Brave, Be Bold!

Early this morning, at 6:25am to be precise, I presented at a conference as an author for the first time. Was I nervous? Yes. Was I scared? Yes. Did I feel a little bit like and imposter. Also, yes. But, you know what? Despite my reservations, I had FUN! When my friend and critique partner… Read more »

Counting to Bananas in Parents magazine

Look whose book is in the April 2022 print issue of Parents magazine! The full review from Parents: “An endearing yet opinionated banana makes learning numbers hilarious. The story starts as kids might expect: one plum, two figs, three oranges. But when four pigs show up, the banana interjects that pigs aren’t a fruit. The… Read more »

First Trade Review

The first trade review is in from Kirkus Reviews for Counting to Bananas, and it’s a good one! Read the full review from Kirkus. Get your signed preordered copy from Powell’s!

Blog Tour Begins!

I was so excited to kick off my debut year with three guest blog posts this January! On January 8, I enjoyed talking about recipes for success with my fellow KIDLIT CARAVAN-ers Paula Cohen and Harshita Jerath on Vivian Kirkfield’s blog Will Write for Cookies. That same day, Kaitlynn Leann Sanchez interviewed my editor, Cheryl Eissing,… Read more »