Be Brave, Be Bold!

Early this morning, at 6:25am to be precise, I presented at a conference as an author for the first time. Was I nervous? Yes. Was I scared? Yes. Did I feel a little bit like and imposter. Also, yes. But, you know what? Despite my reservations, I had FUN! When my friend and critique partner Hannah Holt asked me if I wanted to develop a presentation with her about funny informational picture books for this conference, at first I hesitated. Who would want to listen to me? I’m just a debut author. Could I overcome my fear of public speaking? I had before as a biostatistician, so why not know as an author?

Even though I was worried about how I might actually pull all this off, it went swimmingly. We had engaged participants, we pulled a lot of puns, and most of all we had fun. I learned that it is entirely easy for me to speak about a topic I’m passionate about, even when I might be scared to take that leap. I’m glad I did. What are you doing to be brave and bold today?Authors Hannah Holt and Carrie Tillotson presenting at New Jersey Association of School Librarians virtual Mini-Conference