Counting to Bananas Book Birthday!

It’s finally here!
I’m so excited that Counting to Bananas is out in the world today! I think Banana here is pretty delighted, too.
Since picture books don’t often have space for an acknowledgements section, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the MANY people who have helped usher this book into being.
First of all, for Estrela Lourenço for her amazing art bringing banana to life.
For my agent, Tracy Marchini, for believing in this story.
For my editor, Cheryl Eissing, for seeing the potential in this manuscript when it was just text on a page.
For art director, Ellice Lee, and all the design team for making this such a beautiful book.
For publicist Lizzie Goodell, and marketing marvel Leah Schiano, for all the behind the scenes work on letting people know about this book.
For the entire Flamingo Books/Penguin Young Readers team, of whom I’m sure there are many I don’t even know about.
For my MANY critique partners over the years.
For Carter Higgins and the 12×12 Picture Book Challenge, for Carter’s critique Ninja Visit a few years ago, that really helped me take this manuscript to the next level.
For my parents-in-law, for watching my son on many Saturday mornings so I could go to critique group meetings.
For my sisters, (aka Plan and Plelly), for our years of goofiness together.
For my parents, for always encouraging me and believing in me.
For my husband, Jason, for supporting me through some of my most bananas ideas, and encouraging me every step of the way.
For my son’s swim instructor, Lisa, for actually counting to bananas in swim class.
For my son, Evan, for his infectious laughter, and always being my first audience.
And for all the future readers, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!